❄️ Main Safari: Winter Edition
PAY AS YOU GO | 1.5Hr, from £15.50
Step Two: Select weekday or weekend/bank holiday
New Guests: Arrive at least 15 minutes early for your induction briefing and to grab a coffee if you’d like.
Returning Guests: You're welcome to arrive to the Estate early to not be rushed prior to your session.
Check in at the Help Hut to receive your wristband. Bands need to be worn at all times during your session.
1 included, additional +£4
To add cars email us at hello@rossandfriends.uk
3 dogs included, additional +£3
Must all be from the same household
For +5 dogs, fill out this form to be approved
Bookings & Households:
Each household must make separate bookings so owners can provide details of their dog's behaviour
We would like accurate booking information, 'at the door' charge is £4.50 per dog and £6 per car
Food Policy:
No external food allowed in the cafe area
Non-alcoholic drinks allowed in Main Safari (no food as it can cause issues between dogs)
- From 15.50 British pounds
- From 15.50 British pounds
Rossway Park Estate is a family run 1000 acre country estate located on the outskirts of Berkhamsted with a history dating back to the 17th century. The Estate has a number of vibrant businesses under its portfolio including a doggy safari and daycare, mushroom farming and alpaca experience.
The Estate is also a hub of activity for residents and other businesses located in its beautiful surroundings which have been designated as official Area of Natural Outstanding Beauty.